Media Publications The Nerdgirls have been featured in a number of newspapers and articles. Read all about us! - "Smart and Cool"
Tufts Observer, 4/08/05 [link] - "Female engineers defy stereotypes, build solar car"
The Tufts Daily, 10/22/02 [link] - "Who are you calling a nerd?"
Tufts Observer, 4/01/02 [link] - "Smashing Stereotypes"
Tufts E-News, 9/23/02 [link] - "Science of Snaring"
The Boston Globe, 9/22/02 - "Nerds getting ready to rev up solar engine"
Mass High Tech, 9/3/02 [link] - "Tufts University Project Seeks to Attract More Women to Engineering "
IEEE Institute, Vol 26, No 9, 9/02, [link] - "Who are you calling a Nerd?"
Tufts Daily, 4/19/02 [PDF] |